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== Introduction to Digital Circuits ==
== Introduction to Digital Circuits ==
[[Fișier:Analogic_sig.png|thumb|Analog signal]]
[[File: Analogic_sig.png | thumb | Analog Sign]]
=== Analog signals ===
=== Analog Signals ===
Starting with the classes of electrocinetics of the physics in highschool (power supplies, resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.) and ending with the classes of [[Dispozitive și Circuite Electronice]], the systems studied were formed by analog components. The analog circuits are circuits where the studied quantity (current, voltage), vary continuously in some intervals. An example would be an audio amplifier which gets the analog sound signal and amplifies it so that it is further sent to the speakers. One may see an example of analog signal in the side figure. Of course, this image generated on a computer (which is a digital device) cannot be represented by a true analog signalm but can only simulates such a signal, with a certain precision.
Starting with electro-kinetics lessons from high school physics classes (voltage sources, resistors, capacitors, coils, etc.) and ending with [[Electronic Devices and Circuits]], the studied systems were made up of analogue circuit components . Analog circuits are circuits in which the studied quantities (current, voltage) vary continuously at certain intervals. A concrete example is an audio amplifier that picks up an analog audio signal and amplifies it to be transmitted further to a speaker system. You can see an example of an analog signal in the figure below. Of course, this image is generated by a computer, which is a digital device, so it can not represent a true analog signal but can only simulate such a signal with some precision.
=== Semnale digitale ===
=== Digital Signals ===
[[Fișier:Sampled.signal.svg|thumb|Semnal eșantionat (discret în timp cu valori continue)]]
[[File: Sampled.signal.svg | thumb | Sample signal (discreet in time with continuous values)]]
[[Fișier:Quantized.signal.svg|thumb|Semnal cuantizat (continuu în timp cu valori discrete)]]
[[File: Quantized.signal.svg | thumb | Quantized signal (continuous time with discrete values)]]
[[Fișier:Digital.signal.svg|thumb|Semnal digital (cuantizat și eșantionat)]]
[[File: Digital.signal.svg | thumb | Digital signal (quantized and sampled)]]
Un semnal digital este o înșiruire de valori discrete, fiecare din aceste valori făcând parte dintr-o mulțime discretă de valori raționale. Transformarea unui semnal analogic într-un semnal digital, implică o pierdere de precizie. Să luăm spre exemplu un semnal analogic sinusiodal simplu, reprezentând variația în timp a tensiunii la bornele unui rezistor. Între momentele t=0 și t=1, funcția, fiind continuă, are o infinitate de valori, prin urmare este imposibil de a izola fiecare valoare în parte, șirul astfel obținut fiind infinit. Procedura, în această situație, este de a izola doar o parte din valori, la anumite momente de timp, numite eșantioane, astfel încât să obținem un șir finit de valori. Această procedură se numește [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampling_(signal_processing) eșantionare], iar perioada de timp dintre două eșantioane succesive, poartă numele de perioadă de eșantionare. Cu cât perioada de eșantionare este mai mică (respectiv frecvența de eșantionare mai mare), cu atât semnalul digital obținut este o copie mai fidelă (pierdere mai mica de precizie) față de semnalul analogic original. Dacă totuși semnalul analogic este de bandă limitată (adică poate fi scris ca o sumă finită de semnale sinusoidale), atunci [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist%E2%80%93Shannon_sampling_theorem teorema eșantionării] arată că dacă eșantionarea se face cu o frecvență de cel puțin de două ori mai mare decât frecvența maximă din spectrul semnalului, din seria de eșantioane se poate obține cu precizie de 100% semnalul analogic original.
A digital signal is a set of discrete values, each of these values ​​being part of a discrete set of rational values. Transforming an analog signal into a digital signal implies a loss of precision. Let's take for example a simple sinusoidal analog signal, representing the time variation of the voltage at the terminals of a resistor. Between the moments t=0 and t=1, the function, being continuous, has an infinity of values, so it is impossible to isolate each value, the sequence thus obtained being infinite. The procedure, in this situation, is to isolate only some of the values, at certain times, called samples, so that we get a finite set of values. This procedure is called [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampling_(signal_processing) sampling] and the time period between two successive samples is called the sampling period. The shorter the sampling period (or the higher sampling frequency), the better the digital signal is a more accurate copy (lower precision loss) than the original analog signal. If, however, the analog signal is limited bandwidth (ie it can be written as a finite sum of sinusoidal signals), then [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist%E2%80%93Shannon_sampling_theorem sampling theorem] shows that if the sampling is done at a frequency at least twice as high as the maximum frequency of the signal spectrum, of the sample series can be obtained with 100% accuracy of the original analog signal.
Totuși, mai există o problemă. Semnalul fiind continuu, valorile eșantioanele se află într-un spațiu continuu, prin urmare de precizie infinită. Pentru a reduce precizia valorilor, se utilizează un procedeu numit [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantization_(signal_processing) cuantizare]. Acest procedeu implică împărțirea intervalului de valori posibile pentru semnal în subdiviziuni. Cu cât aceste subdiviziuni sunt mai fine, cu atât valorile obținute prin cuantizare vor fi mai aproape de valorile reale ale semnalului original, dar vor fi reprezentate cu un număr mai pare de simboluri.
However, there is still a problem. The signal being continuous, the sample values ​​are in a continuous space, therefore of infinite precision. To reduce the accuracy of values, use a method called [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantization_(signal_processing) quantization]. This process involves dividing the range of possible signal values ​​into subdivisions. The more subtle these subdivisions, the higher the values ​​obtained by the quantization will be closer to the real values ​​of the original signal, but will be represented by a more number of symbols.
În concluzie, un semnal digital este o înșiruire de numere, obținute prin eșantionarea și cuantizarea unui semnal analogic.
In conclusion, a digital signal is a sequence of numbers obtained by sampling and quantization of an analog signal.
=== Numere și simboluri. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeral_system Baze de numerație] ===
=== Numbers and symbols. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeral_system Numbering Bases] ===
După cum s-a observat în capitolul anterior, un semnal digital este o înșiruire de valori. Aceste valori sunt reprezentate folosind simboluri, aparținând unei baze de numerație. Cel mai simplu exemplu este cel cu care suntem obișnuiți cu toții, adică baza zecimală, folosind ca simboluri cifrele de la 0 la 9. Dar acesta nu este nici pe departe singurul. Alte exemple ar fi sistemul de numerație roman, unde se folosesc ca simboluri literele I, V, X, L, C, D și M, unde valoarea acestor simboluri intr-un număr depinde de ordinea lor. Același lucru îl putem spune și despre baza de numerație zecimala, unde, spre exemplu, simbolul 9 are altă valoare dacă se află pe prima poziție (9) decât dacă se află pe a doua (90). Ce este interesant de reținut este că, în ciuda asocierii mentale dintre simbolurile cu care am fost obișnuiți de mici să lucrăm și valorile numerice pe care acestea le exprimă, cele două noțiuni sunt complet distincte. Valoarea „zece” poate fi exprimată numeric în baza zecimala ca 10, în sistemul de numerație roman ca X, în sistemul hexazecimal ca A, în sistemul binar ca 1010, în cel octal ca 12, dar toate aceste reprezentări exprimă, de fapt, același număr.
As noted in the previous chapter, a digital signal is a string of values. These values ​​are represented by symbols, belonging to a numbering base. The simplest example is the one we are all accustomed to, that is, the decimal point, using the figures from 0 to 9 as symbols. But this is by no means the only one. Other examples would be the Roman numeration system where symbols I, V, X, L, C, D, and M are used as symbols, where the value of these symbols in a number depends on their order. The same can be said about the decimal numbering base where, for example, the symbol 9 has another value if it is in the first position (9) than if it is on the second (90). What is interesting to note is that, despite the mental association between the symbols we have been used to working with and the numerical values ​​they express, the two notions are completely distinct. The value "ten" can be expressed numerically in the decimal number as 10 in the Roman numeration system as X in the hexadecimal system as A in the binary system as 1010 in the octal as 12 but all these representations actually express the same number.
==== Sistemul de numerație binar ====
==== Binary numbering system ====
După cum îi spune și numele, acest sistem utilizează doar două simboluri, de cele mai multe ori, acestea fiind 0 și 1. Prin urmare, un număr poate fi reprezentat în sistemul binar (numit și baza 2) ca o secvență de 0 și 1. Ordinea simbolurilor într-un număr scris în baza doi respectă aceleași reguli ca și numerele scrise în baza zecimală. Astfel, daca într-un număr zecimal, cifra 7 pe poziția 4 era echivalentă cu valoarea 7 * 10<sup>4</sup>, unde 10 este egal cu numărul de simboluri distincte folosite, atunci în baza 2, un 1 pe pozitia 4 este echivalent cu valoarea 1 * 2<sup>4</sup>. Aceasta este și regula de transformare a numerelor din baza 2 în baza 10. Prin urmare:
As the name says, this system uses only two symbols, most of them being 0 and 1. Therefore, a number can be represented in the binary system (also called base 2) as a sequence of 0 and 1 The order of the symbols in a written number in the second base follows the same rules as the numbers written in the decimal. Thus, if in a decimal number, the number 7 in position 4 was equivalent to 7 * 10 <sup> 4 </sup>, where 10 is equal to the number of distinct symbols used, then to base 2, 4 is equivalent to 1 * 2 <sup> 4 </sup>. This is also the rule for converting the numbers from base 2 to base 10. Therefore:
1001010<sub>(2)</sub> = 1 * 2<sup>6</sup> + 0 * 2<sup>5</sup> + 0 * 2<sup>4</sup> + 1 * 2<sup>3</sup> + 0 * 2<sup>2</sup> + 1 * 2<sup>1</sup> + 0 * 2<sup>0</sup> = 64 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 54<sub>(10)</sub>
1001010 <sub> (2) </sub>=1 * 2 <sup> 6 </sup> + 0 * 2 <sup> 3 </sup> + 0 * 2 <sup> 2 </sup> 0 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0=54 <sub> (10) </sub>
Transformarea unui număr din baza zecimală în cea binară implică împărțirea repetată la 2 (numărul de simboluri ale bazei), unde deîmpărțitul la fiecare iterație este dat de câtul împărțirii anterioare. Operația se repetă cât timp câtul este diferit de 0. Numărul în baza binară este dat de secvența resturilor începând cu ultima împărțire și terminând cu prima.
Transforming a number from the decimal to the binary involves the repeated division into 2 (the number of base symbols), where the split at each iteration is given by the previous division. The operation is repeated as long as it is different than 0. The binary number is given by the remainder sequence from the last division to the first.
Avantajul sistemului binar este că numărul redus de simboluri face ca și numărul de operații posibile între două simboluri aleatoare să fie redus, prin urmare este ușor de imaginat o realizare fizică a unor circuite care să implementeze aceste operații. Dezavantajul este că pentru numere relativ mici, este nevoie de multe simboluri pentru reprezentare. Așadar, pentru flexibilitatea operației cu valori reprezentate cu multe simboluri, se utilizeaza baza de numerație hexazecimală, adică baza 16. După cum îi spune și numele, baza hexazecimală utilizează 16 simboluri: cifrele de la 0 la 9, și caracterele a, b, c, d, e și f. Utilizarea bazei 16 este avantajoasă datorită trecerii foarte ușoare între ea și baza 2. Astfel, la orice valoare reprezentată printr-o secvență de patru simboluri binare corespunde unul și numai un simbol hexazecimal.
The advantage of the binary system is that the reduced number of symbols makes the number of possible operations between two random symbols reduced, so it is easy to imagine a physical realization of some circuits to implement these operations. The disadvantage is that for relatively small numbers, many symbols are needed for representation. Therefore, for the flexibility of the operation with values ​​represented by many symbols, the hexadecimal numbering base is used, ie the base 16. As the name says, the hexadecimal base uses 16 symbols: the digits 0 to 9, and the characters a, b, c d, e and f. The use of base 16 is advantageous due to the very slight passage between it and base 2. Thus, at any value represented by a sequence of four binary symbols, one and only one hexadecimal symbol corresponds.
=== Computație și control ===
=== Computation and control ===
Am ajuns deci la concluzia că se pot face calcule (computație) folosind doar două simboluri, corespunzătoare valorilor de zero și de unu. Avem la dispoziție o bază de numerație (baza doi), prin care se pot face calcule din cele mai complexe, cu aceeași acuratețe ca și cele din baza decimală. Dar pe lângă calculul efectiv, un sistem informatic trebuie să poată lua decizii, adică să poate evalua o expresie și să decidă valoarea acesteia de adevăr, operație de tipul general '''if then else'''. Cel mai simplu exemplu de funcție care nu se poate calcula fără luarea unei decizii, este funcția modul (de fapt, orice funcție cu ramuri). Aceasta este de forma:
We have therefore come to the conclusion that calculations can be made using only two symbols corresponding to zero and one. We have a numbering base (base two) that can be used to make the most complex calculations with the same accuracy as the decimal ones. But besides the actual calculation, a computer system must be able to make decisions, that is to say, to evaluate an expression and decide its value of truth, a general type of operation 'if' else ''. The simplest example of a function that can not be calculated without making a decision is the function function (in fact, any function with branches). This is of the form:
<syntaxhighlight lang="Pascal">
<syntaxhighlight lang="Pascal">
if (operand < 0) then (result = -operand) else (result = operand);
if (operand <0) then (result=-operand) else (result=operand);
Expresia (operand < 0) este ceea ce se numește o expresie logică. Expresiile logice, în [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra algebra booleană], pot lua numai două valori: '''''adevărat''''' sau '''''fals'''''. Aceste valori pot fi notate cu aceleași simboluri pe care le utilizăm pentru valori numerice în baza doi, adică '''''0''''' pentru valoarea de adevăr '''''fals (false)''''' și '''''1''''' pentru valoarea de adevăr '''''adevărat (true)'''''.
The expression (operand <0) is what is called a logical expression. Logical phrases in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra Boolean algebra] can only take two values: '''''true''''' or '''''false'''''. These values ​​can be denoted by the same symbols that we use for numerical values ​​in the second base, ie ''''' 0 ''''' for false value and '''''1''''' for truth value '''''true '''''.
Cum asupra valorilor numerice pot fi aplicați operatori numerici (adunare, scădere, înmulțire), și asupra valorilor logice, pot fi aplicați operatori logici (ȘI, SAU, NU, SAU EXCLUSIV). Aceștia sunt explicați în detaliu pe pagina Wikipedia a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra algebrei booleane].
How numeric operators can be applied to numerical operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication) and logical values ​​can be applied to logical operators (AND, OR, NOT, OR EXCLUSIVELY). These are explained in detail on the Wikipedia page of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra boolean algebra].
Concluzia este că folosind aceleași două simboluri, putem face calcule, folosind algebra binară, dar putem exercita control asupra unei funcții, folosind algebra booleană. După cum simbolurile se suprapun pentru computație și control, și operatorii asociați pot avea aceeași formă, și atunci distincția se face doar prin interpretarea lor. Spre exemplu, tabelul cu rezultate pentru înmulțirea a două numere de un bit (operație numerică) arată în felul următor:
The conclusion is that using the same two symbols, we can do calculations using binary algebra, but we can exercise control over a function using boolean algebra. As the symbols overlap for computation and control, the associated operators may have the same form, and then the distinction is made only by their interpretation. For example, the result table for multiplying two two-digit numbers (numerical operation) looks like this:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|colspan=2|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|colspan=2 | '''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || B || A * B
|A || B || A * B
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 0 || 0
|0 || 0 || 0
Linia 63: Linia 63:
În același timp, operația logică ȘI care întoarce 1 dacă și numai dacă ambii operanzi sunt 1 (mă duc la film DACĂ nu plouă ȘI am bani), are următorul tabel de adevăr:
At the same time, the logical AND operation which returns 1 if and only if both operands are 1 (I go to film IF it does not rain AND I have money), has the following table of truth:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|colspan=2|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|colspan=2 | '''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || B || A ȘI B
|A || B || A AND B
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 0 || 0
|0 || 0 || 0
Linia 80: Linia 80:
Se observă că cele două funcții sunt identice. În acest fel, distincția dintre valoare logică și valoare numerică (respectiv operator logic și operator numeric) ține de interpretarea valorilor de intrare (dacă acestea sunt valori logice sau numerice) iar implementarea operatorilor este identică (prin urmare circuitul asociat este identic).
It is noted that the two functions are identical. In this way, the distinction between logical value and numerical value (logical operator and numeric operator) is the interpretation of the input values ​​(if these are logical or numerical values) and the implementation of the operators is identical (therefore the associated circuit is identical).
=== Circuite ===
=== Circuits ===
[[Fișier:Not_gate.png|thumb|Simbol inversor(A - intrare, out - ieșire)]]
[[File: Not_gate.png | thumb | Invert symbol (A - input, out - out)]]
[[Fișier:CMOS_inverter.png|thumb|Inversor alcătuit din tranzistoare CMOS]]
[[File: CMOS_inverter.png | thumb | Inverter composed of CMOS transistors]]
În electronica digitală, ca de fapt în toată ramura tehnologiei care lucrează cu circuite digitale (adică calculatoare) ca și în teroria informației, un element care poate lua o valoare binară asociată unui simbol binar, se numește [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit bit]. Baza circuitelor digitale, oricât de complexe, este dată de sub-circuitele care calculează operațiile unare și binare (adică care care au unul respectiv doi operanzi) între doi biți. Un astfel de sub-circuit se numește poartă (en:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_gate gate]). Aceeași poartă poate fi considerată implementarea unui operator numeric de un bit, dar și implementarea unui operator logic.
In digital electronics, as a matter of fact in the whole branch of digital circuitry (ie computers) technology as well as in the information terrain, an element that can take a binary value associated with a binary symbol is called [http: //en.wikipedia. org /wiki /Bit bit]. The basis of digital circuits, however complex, is given by the sub-circuits that compute the single and binary operations (i.e., which have one or two operands) between two bits. Such a sub-circuit is called gate (en: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_gate gate]). The same gateway can be considered the implementation of a one-bit numeric operator, but also the implementation of a logical operator.
Modul de codare a valorilor asociate simbolurilor binare, în electronica digitală, este printr-o diferență de potențial între două puncte. În tehnologia curentă utilizată ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMOS CMOS]), o tensiune între 0 și Vdd/2 este asociată valorii binare de 0 iar o tensiune între Vdd/2 și Vdd valorii binare de 1.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_level]
The way to encode the values ​​associated with binary symbols in digital electronics is through a potential difference between two points. In the current technology used ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMOS CMOS]), a voltage between 0 and Vdd /2 is associated with the binary value of 0 and a voltage between Vdd /2 and Vdd of the binary value of 1 . [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_level]
Cea mai simplă poartă este cea care implementează operația logică de negare (are o singură intrare și o singură ieșire care este intotdeauna diferită de cea de intrare, adică pentru intrarea 0, ieșirea este 1 și pentru intrarea 1, ieșirea este 0). Această poartă se numește inversor, sau poartă NU (en: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverter_(logic_gate) inverter], NOT gate).
The simplest gate is the one that implements the denial logic operation (it has a single input and a single output that is always different from the input, ie for input 0, output is 1 and for input 1, the output is 0). This gate is called inverse, or bears NO (NOT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverter_(logic_gate) inverter, NOT gate).
Simbolurile și tabelele de adevăr pentru cele mai utilizare porți:
Symbols and truth tables for the most-used gates:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Tip !! Simbol !! Tabel de adevăr !! Tip !! Simbol !! Tabel de adevăr
! Tip !! Symbol !! Table of truth !! Tip !! Symbol !! Table of truth
| '''AND'''
| [[Image:and.png|AND symbol]]
|[[Image: and.png | AND symbol]]
{| class="wikitable" align=right
{| class="wikitable" align=right
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|colspan=2|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|colspan=2 | '''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || B || A AND B
|A || B || A AND B
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 0 || 0
|0 || 0 || 0
Linia 115: Linia 115:
|1 || 1 || 1
|1 || 1 || 1
| '''OR'''
| [[Image:or.png|OR symbol]]
|[[Image: or.png | OR symbol]]
{| class="wikitable" align=right
{| class="wikitable" align=right
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|colspan=2|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|colspan=2 | '''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || B || A OR B
|A || B || A OR B
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 0 || 0
|0 || 0 || 0
Linia 133: Linia 133:
| '''NOT'''
| [[Image:not.png|NOT symbol]]
|[[Image: not.png | NOT symbol]]
{| class="wikitable" align=right
{| class="wikitable" align=right
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|'''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || NOT A
|A || NOT A
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 1
|0 || 1
Linia 146: Linia 146:
|1 || 0
|1 || 0
| '''NAND'''
| [[Image:nand.png|NAND symbol]]
|[[Image: nand.png | NAND symbol]]
{| class="wikitable" align=right
{| class="wikitable" align=right
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|colspan=2|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|colspan=2 | '''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || B || A NAND B
|A || B || A NAND B
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 0 || 1
|0 || 0 || 1
Linia 164: Linia 164:
| '''NOR'''
| [[Image:nor.png|NOR symbol]]
|[[Image: nor.png | NOR symbol]]
{| class="wikitable" align=right
{| class="wikitable" align=right
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|colspan=2|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|colspan=2 | '''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || B || A NOR B
|A || B || A NOR B
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 0 || 1
|0 || 0 || 1
Linia 181: Linia 181:
|1 || 1 || 0
|1 || 1 || 0
| '''XOR'''
| [[Image:xor.png|XOR symbol]]
|[[Image: xor.png | XOR symbol]]
{| class="wikitable" align=right
{| class="wikitable" align=right
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|colspan=2|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|colspan=2 | '''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || B || A XOR B
|A || B || A XOR B
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 0 || 0
|0 || 0 || 0
Linia 199: Linia 199:
| '''XNOR'''
| [[Image:xnor.png|XNOR symbol]]
|[[Image: xnor.png | XNOR symbol]]
{| class="wikitable" align=right
{| class="wikitable" align=right
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|colspan=2|'''INTRARE''' || '''IEȘIRE'''
|colspan=2 | '''INPUT''' || '''OUTPUT'''
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddeeff" align="center"
| A || B || A XNOR B
|A || B || A XNOR B
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|- bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="center"
|0 || 0 || 1
|0 || 0 || 1
Linia 218: Linia 218:
Ca și la reprezentarea simbolică a amplificatoarelor operaționale, se observă că nici porțile logice nu au reprezentate porturile de alimentare (Vdd și Vss), vizibile pe schema inversorului CMOS. Acestea se consideră implicit conectate la sursa de alimentare, respectiv la masă.
As with the symbolic representation of the operational amplifiers, it is noticed that neither the logic gates were represented by the power ports (Vdd and Vss), visible on the CMOS inverter schema. They are implicitly connected to the power supply, respectively to the mains.
== Verilog HDL ==
== Verilog HDL ==
La ora actuală, un circuit digital poate ajunge până la 1 miliard de porți. Asta implică faptul că avem nevoie de unelte care să permită automatizarea procesului de design. Acest lucru se poate face folosind limbaje de descriere hardware ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_description_language Hardware Description Languages]). Aceste limbaje sunt special concepute pentru a putea descrie un circuit digital, ori din punct de vedere al comportamentului, ori din punct de vedere al structurii. În mod evident, o descriere comportamentală a unui circuit va fi mai succintă, dar nu va oferi informații despre structura dorită (la nivel de poartă), în timp ce o descriere structurală va fi mai exactă din punct de vedere al componentelor circuitului, dar mai lungă și poate mai dificil de înțeles.
At present, a digital circuit can reach up to 1 billion gates. This implies that we need tools to automate the design process. This can be done using hardware description languages ​​([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_description_language Hardware Description Languages]). These languages ​​are specially designed to describe a digital circuit, either in terms of behavior or in terms of structure. Clearly, a behavioral description of a circuit will be more succinct, but will not provide information about the desired structure (gate-level), while a structural description will be more accurate in terms of circuit components, but more long and perhaps more difficult to understand.
Există două limbaje foarte cunoscute de descriere hardware: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verilog Verilog] și [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHDL VHDL]. În continuarea acestui laborator de Circuite Integrate Digitale, vom folosi pentru descriere circuitelor, limbajul Verilog. Sintaxa acestuia este simplă și este parțial moștenită din C. Totuși, este foarte important de reținut că Verilog nu este un limbaj de programare. El nu se „execută” secvențial de către un procesor, ci se sintetizeaza într-un circuit sau se simulează. Prin urmare utilizatorii de Verilog trebuie să se dezobișnuiască să gândească secvențial ca și cum fiecare linie de cod se execută după cea precedentă, si mai degrabă trebuie să-și imagineze cum funcționează circuitul pe care codul respectiv îl descrie. Astfel, diferența cea mai interesantă față de un limbaj de programare, este că ordinea blocurilor de cod dintr-un modul nu contează.
There are two very popular hardware description languages: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verilog Verilog] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHDL VHDL]. In the continuation of this Digital Integrated Circuits Lab, we will use the Verilog language for circuit descriptions. Its syntax is simple and is partly inherited from C. However, it is very important to note that Verilog is not a programming language. It does not "run" sequentially by a processor, it synthesizes in a circuit or simulates it. Therefore, Verilog users need to decipher to think sequentially as if each line of code is running after the previous one, and rather they have to imagine how the circuit that that code describes. Thus, the most interesting difference with a programming language is that the order of the code blocks in a module does not matter.
Înainte de a începe lucrul cu uneletele software de simulare și sinteză, parcurgeți tutorial-ul care explică sintaxa [[Verilog]].
Before you start working with some simulation and synthesis software, go through the tutorial explaining the syntax [[Verilog]]

Versiunea curentă din 30 mai 2018 09:00

Introduction to Digital Circuits

Analog Sign

Analog Signals

Starting with electro-kinetics lessons from high school physics classes (voltage sources, resistors, capacitors, coils, etc.) and ending with Electronic Devices and Circuits, the studied systems were made up of analogue circuit components . Analog circuits are circuits in which the studied quantities (current, voltage) vary continuously at certain intervals. A concrete example is an audio amplifier that picks up an analog audio signal and amplifies it to be transmitted further to a speaker system. You can see an example of an analog signal in the figure below. Of course, this image is generated by a computer, which is a digital device, so it can not represent a true analog signal but can only simulate such a signal with some precision.

Digital Signals

Sample signal (discreet in time with continuous values)
Quantized signal (continuous time with discrete values)
Digital signal (quantized and sampled)

A digital signal is a set of discrete values, each of these values ​​being part of a discrete set of rational values. Transforming an analog signal into a digital signal implies a loss of precision. Let's take for example a simple sinusoidal analog signal, representing the time variation of the voltage at the terminals of a resistor. Between the moments t=0 and t=1, the function, being continuous, has an infinity of values, so it is impossible to isolate each value, the sequence thus obtained being infinite. The procedure, in this situation, is to isolate only some of the values, at certain times, called samples, so that we get a finite set of values. This procedure is called sampling and the time period between two successive samples is called the sampling period. The shorter the sampling period (or the higher sampling frequency), the better the digital signal is a more accurate copy (lower precision loss) than the original analog signal. If, however, the analog signal is limited bandwidth (ie it can be written as a finite sum of sinusoidal signals), then sampling theorem shows that if the sampling is done at a frequency at least twice as high as the maximum frequency of the signal spectrum, of the sample series can be obtained with 100% accuracy of the original analog signal.

However, there is still a problem. The signal being continuous, the sample values ​​are in a continuous space, therefore of infinite precision. To reduce the accuracy of values, use a method called quantization. This process involves dividing the range of possible signal values ​​into subdivisions. The more subtle these subdivisions, the higher the values ​​obtained by the quantization will be closer to the real values ​​of the original signal, but will be represented by a more number of symbols.

In conclusion, a digital signal is a sequence of numbers obtained by sampling and quantization of an analog signal.

Numbers and symbols. Numbering Bases

As noted in the previous chapter, a digital signal is a string of values. These values ​​are represented by symbols, belonging to a numbering base. The simplest example is the one we are all accustomed to, that is, the decimal point, using the figures from 0 to 9 as symbols. But this is by no means the only one. Other examples would be the Roman numeration system where symbols I, V, X, L, C, D, and M are used as symbols, where the value of these symbols in a number depends on their order. The same can be said about the decimal numbering base where, for example, the symbol 9 has another value if it is in the first position (9) than if it is on the second (90). What is interesting to note is that, despite the mental association between the symbols we have been used to working with and the numerical values ​​they express, the two notions are completely distinct. The value "ten" can be expressed numerically in the decimal number as 10 in the Roman numeration system as X in the hexadecimal system as A in the binary system as 1010 in the octal as 12 but all these representations actually express the same number.

Binary numbering system

As the name says, this system uses only two symbols, most of them being 0 and 1. Therefore, a number can be represented in the binary system (also called base 2) as a sequence of 0 and 1 The order of the symbols in a written number in the second base follows the same rules as the numbers written in the decimal. Thus, if in a decimal number, the number 7 in position 4 was equivalent to 7 * 10 4 , where 10 is equal to the number of distinct symbols used, then to base 2, 4 is equivalent to 1 * 2 4 . This is also the rule for converting the numbers from base 2 to base 10. Therefore:

1001010 (2) =1 * 2 6 + 0 * 2 3 + 0 * 2 2 0 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0=54 (10)

Transforming a number from the decimal to the binary involves the repeated division into 2 (the number of base symbols), where the split at each iteration is given by the previous division. The operation is repeated as long as it is different than 0. The binary number is given by the remainder sequence from the last division to the first.

The advantage of the binary system is that the reduced number of symbols makes the number of possible operations between two random symbols reduced, so it is easy to imagine a physical realization of some circuits to implement these operations. The disadvantage is that for relatively small numbers, many symbols are needed for representation. Therefore, for the flexibility of the operation with values ​​represented by many symbols, the hexadecimal numbering base is used, ie the base 16. As the name says, the hexadecimal base uses 16 symbols: the digits 0 to 9, and the characters a, b, c d, e and f. The use of base 16 is advantageous due to the very slight passage between it and base 2. Thus, at any value represented by a sequence of four binary symbols, one and only one hexadecimal symbol corresponds.

Computation and control

We have therefore come to the conclusion that calculations can be made using only two symbols corresponding to zero and one. We have a numbering base (base two) that can be used to make the most complex calculations with the same accuracy as the decimal ones. But besides the actual calculation, a computer system must be able to make decisions, that is to say, to evaluate an expression and decide its value of truth, a general type of operation 'if' else . The simplest example of a function that can not be calculated without making a decision is the function function (in fact, any function with branches). This is of the form:

if (operand <0) then (result=-operand) else (result=operand);

The expression (operand <0) is what is called a logical expression. Logical phrases in Boolean algebra can only take two values: true or false. These values ​​can be denoted by the same symbols that we use for numerical values ​​in the second base, ie 0 for false value and 1 for truth value true .

How numeric operators can be applied to numerical operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication) and logical values ​​can be applied to logical operators (AND, OR, NOT, OR EXCLUSIVELY). These are explained in detail on the Wikipedia page of the boolean algebra.

The conclusion is that using the same two symbols, we can do calculations using binary algebra, but we can exercise control over a function using boolean algebra. As the symbols overlap for computation and control, the associated operators may have the same form, and then the distinction is made only by their interpretation. For example, the result table for multiplying two two-digit numbers (numerical operation) looks like this:

A B A * B
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

At the same time, the logical AND operation which returns 1 if and only if both operands are 1 (I go to film IF it does not rain AND I have money), has the following table of truth:

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

It is noted that the two functions are identical. In this way, the distinction between logical value and numerical value (logical operator and numeric operator) is the interpretation of the input values ​​(if these are logical or numerical values) and the implementation of the operators is identical (therefore the associated circuit is identical).


Invert symbol (A - input, out - out)
Inverter composed of CMOS transistors

In digital electronics, as a matter of fact in the whole branch of digital circuitry (ie computers) technology as well as in the information terrain, an element that can take a binary value associated with a binary symbol is called [http: //en.wikipedia. org /wiki /Bit bit]. The basis of digital circuits, however complex, is given by the sub-circuits that compute the single and binary operations (i.e., which have one or two operands) between two bits. Such a sub-circuit is called gate (en: gate). The same gateway can be considered the implementation of a one-bit numeric operator, but also the implementation of a logical operator.

The way to encode the values ​​associated with binary symbols in digital electronics is through a potential difference between two points. In the current technology used (CMOS), a voltage between 0 and Vdd /2 is associated with the binary value of 0 and a voltage between Vdd /2 and Vdd of the binary value of 1 . [1]

The simplest gate is the one that implements the denial logic operation (it has a single input and a single output that is always different from the input, ie for input 0, output is 1 and for input 1, the output is 0). This gate is called inverse, or bears NO (NOT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverter_(logic_gate) inverter, NOT gate).

Symbols and truth tables for the most-used gates:

Tip Symbol Table of truth Tip Symbol Table of truth
And AND symbol
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
OR OR symbol
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
NOT NOT symbol
0 1
1 0
NAND NAND symbol
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
CLOUD NOR symbol
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
XOR XOR symbol
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
XNOR XNOR symbol
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

As with the symbolic representation of the operational amplifiers, it is noticed that neither the logic gates were represented by the power ports (Vdd and Vss), visible on the CMOS inverter schema. They are implicitly connected to the power supply, respectively to the mains.

Verilog HDL

At present, a digital circuit can reach up to 1 billion gates. This implies that we need tools to automate the design process. This can be done using hardware description languages ​​(Hardware Description Languages). These languages ​​are specially designed to describe a digital circuit, either in terms of behavior or in terms of structure. Clearly, a behavioral description of a circuit will be more succinct, but will not provide information about the desired structure (gate-level), while a structural description will be more accurate in terms of circuit components, but more long and perhaps more difficult to understand.

There are two very popular hardware description languages: Verilog and VHDL. In the continuation of this Digital Integrated Circuits Lab, we will use the Verilog language for circuit descriptions. Its syntax is simple and is partly inherited from C. However, it is very important to note that Verilog is not a programming language. It does not "run" sequentially by a processor, it synthesizes in a circuit or simulates it. Therefore, Verilog users need to decipher to think sequentially as if each line of code is running after the previous one, and rather they have to imagine how the circuit that that code describes. Thus, the most interesting difference with a programming language is that the order of the code blocks in a module does not matter.

Before you start working with some simulation and synthesis software, go through the tutorial explaining the syntax Verilog