OOP Lab Task 2
De la WikiLabs
Required Tutorials
- The Object Oriented Paradigm; Classes and Objects
- Notions About the Java Language
- Writing and Executing a Java Program
- Java Syntax; A Program's Lexical Structure
- Coding Conventions
- Advanced Notions About Object Oriented Programming
- Java Application Programming Interface (API) (EN)
- Write a class called PrivateMessage which will be used as a data carrier between a chat client and a specific recipient. This class needs to:
- Store the name of the sender, a message content and the name of the recipient;
- Be immutable
- Allow reading of the sender and content information from the Message objects in a way specific to private messages in chat programs: "(priv) sender: contents". This must be done with only one method call.
- Have a way to read the message recipient from objects of type PrivateMessage.
- In the existing class Main, instantiate at least 3 objects of type PrivateMessage, and print for each one the formatted string and the recipient.
- Each class and class member must have one of the three access modifiers public, private or protected.
- The names of the classes must be identical to the ones specified above.
- Use inheritance and overriding.
- The assignment is submitted attaching the Java source code files exclusively to an e-mail sent to radu.hobincu@upb.ro.
- The subject of the e-mail will be [POO_2]
- The body of the e-mail will contain the name and group of the student and any additional command you want to make.
- Attention Any deviation from these instructions may lead to the loss of the entire amount of points.