Cristian Ravariu: Diferență între versiuni

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XIV. ÎN DOMENIUL ŞTIINŢEI SI TEHNOLOGIEI INFORMAŢIEI - Premiul TUDOR TANASESCU pentru Lucrarea : Biodispozitive electronice: de la nanostructuri la aplicaţii medicale - autor : Cristian Ravariu.
XIV. ÎN DOMENIUL ŞTIINŢEI SI TEHNOLOGIEI INFORMAŢIEI - Premiul TUDOR TANASESCU pentru Lucrarea : Biodispozitive electronice: de la nanostructuri la aplicaţii medicale - autor : Cristian Ravariu.

2. Best Paper Award pentru: A. L. Dobrescu, M. Petrov, D. Dobrescu, C. Ravariu, Threshold voltage extraction methods for MOS transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2000, Romania, Sinaia, p.371-374; B. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, I. Chiran, Exacts solutions of the Poisson’s equations in pseudo-MOS/SOI transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, CAS, p.249-252, 2002.  
2. Best Paper Award pentru:  
C. Cristian Ravariu, A NOI – nanotransistor, IEEE, Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2005, Romania, Sinaia, pp.65-68; D. 5. Alexandru Rusu, Nicolae Golescu, Cristian Ravariu, Manufacturing and tests of a mobile ECG platform, IEEE International Conference of Semiconductors CAS 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 433-436.
A. L. Dobrescu, M. Petrov, D. Dobrescu, C. Ravariu, Threshold voltage extraction methods for MOS transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2000, Romania, Sinaia, p.371-374;  
B. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, I. Chiran, Exacts solutions of the Poisson’s equations in pseudo-MOS/SOI transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, CAS, p.249-252, 2002.
C.     Cristian Ravariu, A NOI – nanotransistor, IEEE, Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2005, Romania, Sinaia, pp.65-68;  
D. Alexandru Rusu, Nicolae Golescu, Cristian Ravariu, Manufacturing and tests of a mobile ECG platform, IEEE International Conference of Semiconductors CAS 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 433-436.
E.      Cristian Ravariu, Ala Bondarciuc, Vlad Bondarciuc, Simona Carniciu,  Marius Petrutescu, Sorin Simion. Millimeter waves generator and its effect onto the lymphocytes. 7th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM, organized by the INCDIE ICPE-CA, 2-4 Sept., 2010, Odorheiu-Secuiesc, Romania, p. 19-20. Premiat BEST POSTER PRESENTATION CEM2010.  

3. Premierea Rezultatelor Cercetarii de catre UEFISCDI: A) C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A test two-terminals biodevice with lipophylic and hidrophylic hormone solutions, ISI Journal of Optoelectroncs and Advanced Materials JOAM, vol.9, nr. 8, 2007, pp. 2589-2592 cod premiere PN-II-RU-PRECISI – 2007-1. B)C. Ravariu and F. Babarada, Modeling and simulation of special shaped SOI materials for the nanodevices implementation, Journal of Nanomaterials - Hindawi, vol. 2011, Article ID 792759, 11 pages, July 2011 cu cod premiere PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2012-6-1177.
3. Premierea Rezultatelor Cercetarii de catre UEFISCDI:  
A.    C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A test two-terminals biodevice with lipophylic and hidrophylic hormone solutions, ISI Journal of Optoelectroncs and Advanced Materials JOAM, vol.9, nr. 8, 2007, pp. 2589-2592 cod premiere PN-II-RU-PRECISI – 2007-1.  
B.    C. Ravariu and F. Babarada, Modeling and simulation of special shaped SOI materials for the nanodevices implementation, Journal of Nanomaterials - Hindawi, vol. 2011, Article ID 792759, 11 pages, July 2011 cu cod premiere PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2012-6-1177.

== '''Anunturi Studenti''' ==
== '''Anunturi Studenti''' ==
1. Obs. din 27.05.2013: Notele la Spice au fost trecute in catalog, cu exceptia: Motoc Andreea (gr. 421D, nota era 10), intrucat nu are numele trecut in catalogul electronic. (Pt d-ra Motoc, rog, pe 28-29 Mai ora 10, sala B110b sau B108, aduceti contractul de studii ca sa se vada daca ati optat pt Spice)
1. Obs. din 27.05.2013: Notele la Spice au fost trecute in catalog, cu exceptia: Motoc Andreea (gr. 421D, nota era 10), intrucat nu are numele trecut in catalogul electronic. (Pt d-ra Motoc, rog, pe 28-29 Mai ora 10, sala B110b sau B108, aduceti contractul de studii ca sa se vada daca ati optat pt Spice)

Versiunea de la data 5 iunie 2013 16:59


Perioadă Organizatie Descriere
2005 - prezent Universitatea Politehnica din București Conferentiar universitar în cadrul departamentului Dispozitive, Circuite și Aparate Electronice
2003 - 2005 Universitatea Politehnica din București Sef Lucrari in cadrul departamentului Dispozitive, Circuite și Aparate Electronice
1999 - 2003 Universitatea Politehnica din București Asistent in cadrul departamentului Dispozitive, Circuite și Aparate Electronice .
1995 - 1999 Institutul de Microtehnologie Bucuresti Cercetator stiintific in domeniul tehnologiei dispozitivelor semiconductoare.
1993 - 1995 Institutul de Microtehnologie Bucuresti Asistent cercetare la Institutul de Microtehnologie Bucuresti.


Perioadă Universitate Diplomă
1988 - 1993 Universitatea Politehnica din București, Facultatea de Electronică, Telecomunicații și Tehnologia Informației Inginer electronist, specializarea Microelectronică
1995 - 2001 Universitatea Politehnica din București, Facultatea de Electronică, Telecomunicații și Tehnologia Informației Doctor inginer
2010 - 2013 Universitatea Politehnica din București, Facultatea de Electronică, Telecomunicații și Tehnologia Informației Diploma de studii Postdoctorale

Tematici Invatamant/Cercetare

  • Dispozitive Electronice
    • Modelare, Teorie. Tranzistoare SOI-MOSFET, senzori SOI.
    • Simulare Medici, Atlas. Proiectare din Suprem 2-4, in Atena - Atlas.
  • Modele Spice ale Componentelor Electronice
    • Modelarea Componentelor Microelectronice Active
    • Simulari in Spice
  • Dispozitive si Circuite Electronice 1 si 2 la FILS, Filiera Franceza.
    • Curs, teorie.
    • Aplicatii.
  • Proiect Circuite Electronice Fundamentale.
    • Algoritmi.
  • Laboratoare la disciplinele MDE si CE.
    • Aplicatii.
  • Biosenzori integrati
    • ISFET, ENFET,cunostinte dezvoltate in Proiectul "BioFET".
    • Alte dispozitive cu medii biologice (Bio-MEMS etc).
  • Fenomene electrice la nivel celular
    • Disciplina si cartea BioNEC.
    • Simulari fenomene electrice, dispozitive biomimetice, cunostinte dezvoltate in Proiectul "ElectroCel".
  • Alte cunostinte
    • Elemente de Electrofiziologie.

Teza de Doctorat

Cristian Ravariu, Structuri integrate pe substraturi izolate dielectric, Biblioteca centrală a Universitaţii Politehnica Bucureşti, 2001.

Tema Post-doctorala

Structuri SOI generalizate pentru nanotranzistoare şi biodispozitive, Bucuresti, Martie 2013.

Aport: studierea, publicarea si brevetarea nanotranzistoarelor a-NOI si NOI; tranzistorul pseudo-MOS; structuri enzimatice integrate pe nanomateriale in vederea construirii biosenzorilor.


1. Brevet OSIM obtinut: Tranzistor cu efect de câmp de tip cavitate pe izolator şi procedeul de realizare al acestuia, inventator: ing. Cristian Ravariu, solicitant: UPB, inregistrat la OSIM cu nr. A/01130 din 18.11.2010. Acordarea titlului de brevet de catre OSIM, in baza hotaririi 6/27 din 29.03.2013 si inregistrata la OSIM cu nr. 1016512/30Apr.2013.

2. Brevet OSIM in examinare: Florin Babarada, Elena Manea, Cristian Ravariu , Procedeu de fabricatie pe siliciu a dispozitivelor pentru detectia si caracterizarea moleculelor biologice incarcate cu sarcina electrica; Brevet Depus la OSIM, cu nr. inregistrare A/01023 din 07.12.2009.

Carti (C), indrumare (I), capitole in carti la edituri internationale (Ch)

C7. Cristian Ravariu, Sabin Ionel, Programul SPICE de simulare a circuitelor electronice, Editura Academia Oamenilor de Stiinta din Romania, Bucuresti, 2011, (82 pag), ISBN 978-606-8371-03-0.

C6. Cristian Ravariu, Biodispozitive electronice: de la nanostructuri la aplicaţii medicale, Editura POLITEHNICA PRESS, Bucuresti, 2010, (232 pag), ISBN 978-606-515-071-3, Monografie premiata cu premiul Academiei Romane.

C5. Cristian Ravariu, Adrian Rusu, Modele Spice ale Componentelor Electronice, Editura Matrix, Bucuresti, Romania, 2006, (110 pag), ISBN 973-755-010-2, Teorie si material didactic.

C4. Cristian Ravariu, Florin Babarada, Adrian Rusu, SPICE – teorie şi aplicaţii, Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 2005, (234 pag), ISBN 973-718-217-0, Monografie.

C3. Cristian Ravariu, Dispozitive electronice, Editura Printech, Bucuresti, 2004, (326 pag), ISBN 973-718-133-6, Material in extenso.

C2. Florin Babarada, Cristian Ravariu, Tehnologii de fabricatie pentru microsenzori şi biosenzori, Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 2004, (258 pag), ISBN 973-718-119-0, Monografie.

C1. Cristian Ravariu, Modele avansate ale tranzistoarelor MOS realizate pe substrat izolant, Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 2001, (83 pag), ISBN 973-652-444-2, Monografie.

I2. Cristian Ravariu, Dan Cozma, Dispositifs et circuits electroniques pour applications pratiques, Editura Politehnica Press, Romania, Bucuresti, 2007, (108 pag), ISBN 978-973-7838-34-6, Aplicatii pentru FILS filiera franceza.

I1. Cristian Ravariu, Modele pentru SPICE – Îndrumar de laborator, Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 2001, (50 pag), ISBN 973-652-443-4, Material didactic.

Ch3. Cristian Ravariu, Chapter 22: Studies and electrical characterization of sub-400nm SOI structures, pp. 173-189, in book: Advances in Engineering: from theory to application, Editors Ecaterina Andronescu and Corneliu Burileanu, Politehnica Press Publishing, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN 978-606-515-381-3, published in Oct. 2012, distributed in May 2013.

Ch2. Cristian Ravariu, Chapter 6 , Title: Contributions to novel methods in electrophysiology aided by electronics devices and circuits, pp. 123-140, in Book: Applied Biomedical Engineering, ISBN 978-953-307-256-2, (500 pag), Book edited by: InTech publisher Austria-Croatia, by Gaetano D. Gargiulo, Co-editor: Alistair McEwan ; Publication date: August 2011.

Ch1. Cristian Ravariu, Chapter 25 , Title: Learning in Bioelectronics, pp. 381-396, in book "Advanced Learning", ISBN 978-953-307-010-0, (444 pag), InTech publisher Austria-Croatia, Edited by Raquel Hijon-Neira, Aleksandar Lazinica; Publication date: November 2009.

Articole in Reviste indexate ISI-Thomson Web of Knowledge

R.19. Cristian RAVARIU, Ala BONDARCIUC, The sensitivity in the IR spectrum of the intact and pathological tissues by laser bio-photometry, Laser in Medical Science, Springer Journal, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10103-013-1358-6, ISSN: 0268-8921, FI=2.003/2012.

R18. Cristian Ravariu. Semiconductor Materials Optimization for A TFET Device with Nothing Region On Insulator, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing Journal, vol. 26, issue 3, DOI: 10.1109/TSM.2013.2258411, Accepted Manuscript ID TSM-12-0072 on 08-Apr-2013, FI=0.722, scor=0.95/2012, ISSN: 0894-6507.

R17. Cristian Ravariu. The residual doping concentration estimation in a SIMOX film using current masurements, IET Science, Measurement & Technology Journal, vol. 7, issue 1, Jan 2013, pp. 1-6. DOI 10.1049/iet-smt.2012.0052, FI/2012 = 0.57.

R16. A. Bondarciuc, C. Ravariu, V. Bondarciuc, G. Alecu, Non-polluting medical technology for environment and patient used in inflammatory diseases monitoring, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, accepted paper in dec 2012, ,FI / 2012 = 1.004.

R15. C. Ravariu and F. Babarada, Modeling and simulation of special shaped SOI materials for the nanodevices implementation, Journal of Nanomaterials - Hindawi, vol. 2011, Article ID 792759, 11 pages, July 2011, FI / 2010 = 1.6, DOI:10.1155/2011/792759, Awarded Paper by UEFISCDI in Oct. 2012.

R14. C. Ravariu, E. Manea, C. Parvulescu, F. Babarada and A. Popescu, Titanium dioxide nanotubes on silicon wafer designated for GOX enzymes immobilization, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, vol. 6, no 2, pp. 703 - 707, FI /2011 = 1.20, April - June 2011.

R13. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, Arguments for the NOI nanotransistor affiliation to the FETs family, ROMJIST Journal of the Romanian Academy Section for Information Science and Technology, vol. 14, nr. 3, pp. 203–211, FI / 2011 = 0.1, 2011.

R12. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, Experimental and theoretical proofs for the JFET work regime of the pseudo-MOS transistor, Revue roumaine des sciences techniques – série électrotechnique et énergétique, Romanian Academy Journal, issue 4, pp. 396-406, 2011.

R11. Cristian Ravariu, The implementation methodology of the real effects in a NOI nanostructure, aided by simulation and modelling, Elsevier Journal of Simulation Modeling, Practice and Theory, vol. 18, Issue 9, pp. 1274-1285, FI /2010 = 0.96, Oct. 2010.

R10. C. Ravariu, L. G. Alecu, A. Bondarciuc, F. Babarada, Advanced SOI semiconductor structures for micro-dose biological samples handling, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications JOAM-RC, vol. 4, nr. 9, pp. 1375-1378, FI / 2009 = 0.4, Sept. 2010.

R9. A. Rusu, C. Ravariu, Al. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, M. Craciun, D. Cozma, Macromodel and Emulator of the Avalanche Gate-Controlled Diode Working in the Analog Regime, ROMJIST Journal of the Romanian Academy Section for Information Science and Technology, vol. 13, nr. 4, pp. 389-398, 2010.

R8. Cristian Ravariu, Florina Ravariu, A test two-terminals biodevice with lipophylic and hidrophylic hormone solutions, Journal of Optoelectroncs and Advanced Materials JOAM, vol. 9, nr. 8, pp. 2589-2592, Aug. 2007, Awarded by UEFISCDI in 2007.

R7. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, F. Babarada, Electrical characterization of the epinephrine solution on natural diamond with possible biomedical applications, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, vol. 2, nr.1, pp.155-162, March, 2007.

R6. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, A. Rusu, More accurate models of the interfaces oxide ultra-thin SOI films, Conference Proceedings from American Institute of Physics, AIP auspices, ISSN 0094-243X, coden APCPCS, April, 10, vol. 893, pp.3-4, 2007.

R5. C. Ravariu, G. Alecu, F. Ravariu, The experimental estimation of the illumination generation rate in a nano-SOI film, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials JOAM, vol. 8, nr. 2, pp.593-596, April. 2006.

R4. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Udrea, F. Ravariu, Simulation results of some Diamond On Insulator nano-MISFETs, Diamond and Related Materials Elsevier Journal, vol.15, nr.2, pp.777-782, 2006.

R3. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, Interface electric charge modeling and characterization with <delta> distribution generator strings in thin SOI films, Microelectronics Elsevier Journal, vol.37, nr.3, pp.943-947, 2006.

R2. C. Ravariu, An ultimate stage of the ultra-thin SOI-MOSFETs: the Nothing On Insulator Nano-transistor, ROMJIST Journal of the Romanian Academy Section for Information Science and Technology, vol.9, nr. 1, pp. 29-41, 2006.

R1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, From PSI-MOSFET with silicon on oxide to PSI-MOSFET with silicon carbide on nitride, Diamond and Related Materials Elsevier Journal, vol. 11, Issues 3-6, pp. 1268-1271, 2002.


S2. C. Ravariu, A. Bondarciuc, V. Bondarciuc, F. Babarada, The Laser biophotometry - as a non-invasive medical technique - used in the post-operatory monitoring for inflammatory processes, Journal of Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, vol. 19, suppl. 1, pp. 73, ISSN 1364-5706, indexare ISI & PubMed, FI /2010 = 0.9, 2010.

S1. C. Ravariu, A. Bondarciuc, V. Nahaba, V. Bondarciuc, C. I. Tirgoviste, F. Babarada, O. Dumitrache, The laser biophotometry medical applications for the diabetes foot monitoring, Elsevier Journal of Photodyagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, vol. 7, suppl. 1, pp. 522-523, ISSN 1572-1000, FI/2010 = 2.1, July 2010.

Articole in Jurnale din BDI, Baze de Date Internationale cotate de UEFISCDI

B8. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, Simulation Tools Used in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems - A Case Study on a Non-Conventional SOI-MEMS Structure, International Journal of Online Engineering iJOE, ISSN: 1861-2121, vol 7, no. 2, pp. 36-39, 2011, DOI:10.3991/ijoe.v7i2.1543, Indexare B+, IET, INSPEC, Google scholar, ULRICH WEB, DOAJ, EBSCO.

B7. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, Parameters extraction from some experimental static characteristics of a pseudo-MOS transistor, UPB Scientific Bulletin series C, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 29-34, 2008, Indexare B+, Ulrich, Inspec, Scopus, Elsevier sciences.

B6. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, Starting from a generalization of SOI concept toward solutions of SET’s implementation, Bucharest, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 3-10, 2005.

B5. C. Baditoiu, C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, The Dynamic Behavior of the Junction’s Termination With Field Electrode and SIPOS Layer, UPB, Scientific Bulletin, ISSN 1454-234X, Series C, vol. 64, no.4, pp.53-62, 2004.

B4. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, C.Codreanu, F. Ravariu, The flat-band and threshold voltage of a pseudo-MOS transistor made in SIMOX technology, Revista Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Al. I. Cuza Iaşi, Tomul XLV-XLVI, s, Fizica Starii Condensate, pp. 119-125, 2000, Indexare Ulrich, GScholar.

B3. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, The influence of the piezoelectric layer on the pressure sensor sensitivity, Romanian Reports in Physics Journal, ISSN 1221 – 1451, vol.53, no. 9-10, pg.601-608, 2001, indexata ISI ulterior.

B2. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, The pseudo-MOS transistor, a reference SOI device, Revue Roumaine des Sciences and Techniques, serie electrotechnique et energetique, Editura Academiei Române, ISSN 0035-4066, Bucureşti, Tome 45, No.2, p.311-321, 2000, indexata ISI ulterior.

B1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, The Inversion Onset at the MOS/SOI Capacitor with Uniform and Non-uniform Impurities Distributions in the Film, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, ISSN 1453-8245, Vol. 3, No. 2, p.143-156, 2000, indexata ISI ulterior.

Indexate la Universitati din Romania

I1. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, Some nano-DOI-MISFETs and their applications in logic circuits, Hyperion Scientific Journal, ISSN 1582-4330, Series A, no.2, vol.4, p.92-99, 2004.

I2. C. Ravariu, A point of view about evolution of the silicon integrated pressure sensors, Hyperyon Scientific Journal, ISSN 1582-4330, Series A, no.2, vol.3, pp.144-151, 2002.

I3. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, The sensitivity evaluation of a pressure sensor based on piezolelectric layer onto SOI films, Scientific Bulletin of Hyperion University Bucharest, series A Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1582-4330, vol.1A, nr.2, p.135-139, 2000.

Articole publicate in extenso in volumele unor Conferinte Internationale


1. Cristian Ravariu, Simulations of the nothing on insulator NOI nano-transistor implemented in n-type diamond, IEEE Int. Conf. Proc. ISI-CAS, 35-th Edition, Oct. 2012, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 453-456, ISSN 1545-827X, ISBN 978-1-4673-0736-9, Indexare ISI.

2. Cristian Ravariu, The cellular membrane simulation using dual Semiconductor-Insulator - Semiconductor structures, 9-th IASTED International Conference of Biomedical Engineering BioMED 2012, ID 764-100, pp. 358-361, ISBN 978-0-88986-909-7, DOI: 10.2316/P.201 .764-100, Indexare Tip A+ in Baza de date Australian Res. Council.

3. Cristian Ravariu, Large area capacitive skin electrodes designated for variable electrophysiological signal recording, 9-th IASTED International Conference of Biomedical Engineering BioMED 2012, ID 764-101, pp. 362-365, ISBN 978-0-88986-909-7. DOI: 10.2316/P.201 .764-101 Indexare Tip A+ in Baza de date Australian Res. Council.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, The non-linear behavior of the Nothing On Insulator NOI nanotransistor from theoretical and numerical studies, 34-th IEEE CAS, Annual Conference of Semiconductors, 2011, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 357-360, indexare ISI.

2.C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, E. Manea, A. Popescu, The electrodes geometry design and global simulations for an ENFET gluco-detector, ID 723-084, 8-th IASTED International Conference of Biomedical Engineering BioMED, 2011, Austria, pp. 429-432, ISBN 978-0-88986-866-3, DOI: 10.2316/P.2011.723-084, indexare: Australian Res. Council type A+.

3. C. Ravariu, C.I. Tirgoviste, O. Dumitrache, The modeling of the insulin exocytosys after a glycemic stimulus, ID 723-088, 8-th IASTED International Conference Biomedical Engineering BioMED, 2011, Austria, pp. 188-191, DOI: 10.2316/P.2011.723-088, indexare: Australian Res. Council type A+.

4. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, Contributions to bioelectronics research and learning, Int. Conf. Proc. of 8-th edition Remote Electronics and Virtual REV 2011, Brasov, Romania, pp. 296-299.

5. F. Babarada, C. Ravariu, J. Arhip and C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste, Remote methods in electrophysiology - a new approach derived from electronics, Int. Conf. Proc. of 8-th edition Remote Electronics and Virtual, REV 2011, Brasov, Romania, pp. 225-228.

6. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, An educational platform for E-healthcare point and diagnosis, Conference Proc., I-st IEEE International Conference on data Compression, Communication and Processing, CCP 2011, Palinuro, Italy, pp. 207-210.

7. F. Babarada, C. Ravariu, E. Manea, C. Parvulescu, Data acquisition in electrophysiology with capacitive skin electrodes, Conference Proc., I-st IEEE International Conference on data Compression, Communication and Processing, 2011, Palinuro, Italy, pp. 203-206.

8. F. Babarada, C. Ravariu, A. Janel, Hardware platform for electrophysiological signals processing using a dynamic range compressor, Conference Proc., I-st IEEE International Conference CCP on data Compression, Communication and Processing, 2011, Palinuro, Italy, prezentare orala, pp. 162-167.

9. C. Ravariu, Applied mathematics for the modeling of a non-linear SOI complex device, Proc. of Signal Processing and Applied Mathematics for Electronics and Communications, SPAMEC Conference 2011, Cluj Napoca, Romania, pp.65-68.

10. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, Simulation and modelling of the flat-band voltage for below 200nm SOI devices, Proceedings of the 23rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium EMSS, 2011, Rome, Italy, pp. 371-374, ISBN 978-88-903724-4-5, indexare ISI.

11. F. Babarada, C. Ravariu, J. Arhip, Simulation, Optimisation and Design a Platform for in-vivo Electrophysiological Signals Processing, Proceedings of the 23rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium EMSS, 2011, Rome, Italy, pp. 380-383, ISBN 978-88-903724-4-5, Indexare ISI.


1. F. Babarada, C. Ravariu, A. Bajenaru, E. Manea, From simulations to masks for a BioFET design, Proceedings of the 33-th IEEE International Conference of Semiconductors CAS, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 479-482, vol. 2, Oct. 2010, ISSN 1545-827X, ISBN 978-1-4244-5781-6, indexare ISI.

2. A. Rusu, C. Ravariu, Alex. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, D. Cozma, Macromodel Established by Simulations for the Analog Regime of the Avalanche Gate-Controlled Diode, Proceedings of the 33-th IEEE International Conference of Semiconductors CAS, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 419-422, vol. 2, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-5781-6, indexare ISI.

3. C. Ravariu, A. Popescu, C. Podaru, E. Manea and F. Babarada, The Nanopous Al2O3 Material Used for the Enzyme Entrapping in a Glucose Biosensor, XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing MEDICON 2010, Chalkidiki, Greece, Proceedings, vol. 29 , pp. 459-462, ISBN 978-3-642-13038-0, indexare SPRINGER.

3. F. Babarada, J. Arhip and C. Ravariu, The analog processing and digital recording of electrophysiological signals, XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing MEDICON 2010, Chalkidiki, Greece, Proceedings, vol. 29 , pp. 132-135, ISBN 978-3-642-13038-0, indexare SPRINGER.

4. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, Simulation tools for some MEMS structures, 13th International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Learning ICL 2010, Hasselt, Belgium, pp. 760-761, ISBN 978-3-89958-541-4, with Editors Michael E. Auer and Jeanne Schreurs.

5. F. Babarada, C. Ravariu, M. Mlak, E-learning in the education, for teaching and research electronic devices and circuits, 13th International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Learning ICL 2010, Hasselt, Belgium, pp. 849-852, ISBN 978-3-89958-541-4, with Editors Michael E. Auer and Jeanne Schreurs.


1. C. Ravariu, C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste, F. Ravariu, Glucose biofuels properties in the bloodstream in conjunction with the beta cell electro-physiology, Proc. of 2-nd Edition IEEE - ICCEP International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, 2009, Capri, Italy, pp. 124-127, ISBN 978-1-4244-2544-0/08, indexare ISI.

2. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, The simulation of a biosensor in MEMS configuration, 21-th European Modeling and Simulation Sympozium I3M-EMSS, 2009, Puerto Cruz, Tenerife, vol. II, pp. 125-128, in Proceedings Edited by R. M. Aguilar, A. G. Bruzzone, M. A. Piera, ISBN 978-84-692-5414-1, indexare ISI.

3. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, Simulations of some electro-mechanical phenomenon at nano-cellular level, Proceedings of the 32-th IEEE CAS Annual Conf. of Semiconductors, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 127-130, vol. I, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-4413-7, indexare ISI.

4. C. Ravariu, C. Podaru, E. Manea, Design and technological characterization aspects of a gluco-detector BioFET, Proceedings of the 32-th IEEE CAS Annual Conf. of Semiconductors, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 281-284, vol. I, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-4413-7, indexare ISI.

5. C. Ravariu, A. Bondarciuc, Wilhelm Kappel, V. Bondarciuc, F. Ravariu, An Identification Function in Clinical Diagnosis Based on the Experimental Measurements with Laser Bio-photometry, IEEE-IFAC 15-th International Symposium on System Identification SYSID Proceedings, S. Malo, France, 2009, pp. 1006-1009, indexare Inspec.

6. C. Ravariu, A. Bondarciuc, F. Ravariu, From Experimental Investigations with Laser Bio-Photometry to Statistical Models Applied for the Normal and Pathological Tissue, Proceedings of WC - World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 25/VII-2507, Munich, Germany, pp. 34-37, 2009, Editors: Olaf Dössel and Wolfgang C. Schlegel, ISSN 1680-0737, ISBN 978-3-642-03897-6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-03885-3, indexare Springer, INSPEC, Scopus, Medline, PubMed.

7. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, M. Mlak, E-learning Impact on Bio-electronics Management Systems - the Challenges of Life Long Learning, in Proceedings of the International Conference Interactive Computer Aided Learning–ICL2009, Villach, Austria, pp. 789-790 ISBN 978-3-89958-481-3, Kassel University Press.


1. C. Ravariu, R. Botan, The Electrical Transport Mechanisms Investigation In Adrenergic Synapses Using A Parallel BioOI Biodevice, 19th IEEE Biosignal Conf. Proceedings, IEEE-EMBS Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008, pp.63.1-63.4, Brno, Czech Republic, Edited by Vutium Press, ISSN 1211-412X, ISBN 978-80-214-3612-1, with Editors: Jiri Jan, Jiri Kozumplik, Ivo Provaznik, indexare ISI.

2. C. Ravariu, The Feed-Back from a Biodevices and Cellular Nano-Electronics Course Learned in an Electrical Engineering Faculty, IEEE 8-th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2008, Spain, Santander, pp.882-884, Editors: Paloma Diaz, Kinshuk, Ignacio Aedo, Eduardo Mora, by IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 978-0-7695-3167-0, printed in USA editorial production by Lisa O’Conner, indexare ISI.

3. C. Ravariu, C. Podaru, E. Manea, A. Bondarciuc, D. Vizireanu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, Measurements of the Electrical Characteristics in DC and AC Regime for an Epinephrine BOI device, IEEE International Conference of Semiconductors CAS 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 169-172, ISBN 978-1-4244-2004-9, ISSN 1545-827X, indexare ISI.

4. F. Babarada, A. Rusu, T. Niculiu, C. Ravariu, D. Vizireanu, C. Moldovan, E. Manea, C. Dunare, M. Mlak, Unified MOSFET modeling for distortions analysis, The 5th International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference. Briatico Amantea, Italy, 2008, ISBN 978-88-903724-0-7, pp. 333-338, indexare ISI.

5. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, A. Bondarciuc, F. Ravariu, T. Niculiu, F. Babarada, V. Bondarciuc, Modeling and simulation of a nanostructure for a single electron technology implementation, The 5th International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference. Briatico Amantea, Italy, 2008, ISBN 978-88-903724-0-7, pp. 312-315, ISBN 978-88-903724-0-7, indexare ISI.

6. Alex. Rusu, N. Golescu, C. Ravariu, Manufacturing and tests of a mobile ECG platform, IEEE International Conference of Semiconductors CAS 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 433-436, ISBN 978-1-4244-2004-9,indexare ISI.

7. C. Ravariu, D. Mihaiescu, A. Rusu and F. Ravariu, Non-linear electrical conduction through testosterone undecanoate and rethinol oily solutions, 6th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering ESBME 2008, Greece, Chania, p.10.0-10.3.

8. C. Ravariu, P. Tuhari, M. C. Branzila, F. Ravariu, R. Botan, Diagnosys in medicine using Virtual e-Healthcare, 5-th Edition of REV International Conference - Remote Engineering and Virtual, 2008, Dusseldorf, Germany, pp. 15.2.1-15.2.4, Kassel University Press with Editors: Michael Auer, Reinhard Langmann, ISBN 978-3-89958-352-6.

9. C. Ravariu, A. Sevcenco, M. Auer, C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste, F. Babarada, The BioNEC Platform, International Conf. on Internet Computer Learning ICL 2008, Villach, Austria, pp. Pa-4C/ 1-4, ISBN: 978-3-89958-353-3.

10. F. Babarada, M. Mlak, C. Dunare, U. Ulieru, C. Ravariu, e-Learning environment for microelectronic interactive teaching, International Conf. on Internet Computer Learning ICL 2008, Villach, Austria, pp.1-6.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, Modified SOI-MOSFET structure with shallows diffusions, 30th Edition of IEEE Int. Conf. of Semiconductors CAS 2007, Sinaia, Romania, pp.435-438, indexare ISI.

2. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, D. Dobrescu, From pseudo-MOS transistor to a SOI-MOSFET with a nano-cavity, 6th EUROSIM congress on Simulation and Modelling 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Proceedings with Editors: Borut Zupancic, Rihard Karba, Saso Blazic, vol.2, pp.251.1-251.6, ISBN 978-3-901608-32-2.

3. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Babarada, F. Ravariu, D. Dobrescu, Workpoint for the virtual electrical characterization of the sub-micronic SOI structures, 4th Remote Virtual Electronics International Conference REV2007, Porto, Portugal, Proceedings with Editors: Michael E. Auer, J. M. Martins Ferreira, pp.20.1-20.6,, ISBN 978-3-89958-278-9.


1. F. Ravariu, C. Ravariu, O. Nedelcu, F. Babarada, E. Manea, C. Podaru, Mechanical Performance of an Integrate Micropump. Application in Electrophoresiys, IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference of Semic., Sinaia, România, pp. 193-196, ISBN 1-4244-0109-7, 2006, indexare ISI.

2.C. Ravariu, H. Zoltan, L. Dobrescu, F. Ravariu, The three valued logic implementation on a hybrid SOI structure, IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference of Semic., Sinaia, România, pp.425-428, 2006, indexare ISI.

3. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Babarada, F. Ravariu, Discrepancies of the flat-band voltage models revealed by simulations in sub-50nm SOI films, IASTED Conference 15th Proceedings of Applied Simulation and Modelling ASM 2006, Rhodes, Greeece, ID 522-048, pp. 141-144, ISBN 0-88986-561-2, ISSN 1021-8181, Indexare Tip C in Baza de date Australian Res. Council, indexare ISI.

4. F. Babarada, M. Profirescu, C. Ravariu, O. Profirescu, E. Manea, N. Dumbrăvescu, C. Dunare, U. Dumitru, MOSFET Modelling Including Second Order Effects for Distortion Analysis, IASTED Conference 15th Proceedings of Applied Simulation and Modelling ASM 2006, Rhodes, Greeece, ID 522-163, pp. 506-510, ISBN 0-88986-561-2, ISSN 1021-8181, Indexare Tip C in Baza de date Australian Res. Council, indexare ISI.

5. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, The Optim working domain for some microbial-biosensors using their electrical characteristics, 5th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering Patras, 2006, p.16-19, under auspices of International Federation Medical and Biological Engineering.

6. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, O. Nedelcu, Conceptual study of an integrated MEMS micropump used for medical purposes, Proceedings of 4th IASTED International Conference on Biomechanics, 2006, Spain, ISBN:0-88986-604-X.

7. C. Ravariu, Revealing by simulations of some errors sources in the volumic charge estimation for the pseudo-MOS transistor, 9th International Conference Interactive Computer aided Learning ICL 2006, Villach, Austria, 6pp, ISBN 3-89958-195-4, Kassel University Press, Editors M.Auer.


1. C. Ravariu, A NOI – nanotransistor, IEEE Int. Conf. of Semic., Proceedings CAS 2005, Romania, Sinaia, vol. 1, pp.65-68, indexare ISI.

2. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, O. Nedelcu, F. Ravariu, F. Babarada, L. Dobrescu, A MEMS dedicated to the bio-components detection, inspired from the SON architecture, IEEE Int. Conf. of Semic., Proceedings CAS 2005, Romania, Sinaia, vol. 1, pp. 219-222, indexare ISI.

3. O. Profirescu, F. Babarada, M. Profirescu, C. Ravariu, E. Manea, N. Dumbravescu, C. Dunare, D. Ulieru, MOSFET conductance modelling including distortion analysis aspects, IEEE Int. Conf. of Semic., Proceedings CAS 2005, Romania, Sinaia, vol.2, pp.439-442, indexare ISI.

4.C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, F. Babarada, Bio-electrical-engineering: a strategic course with an European opening, 8th International Conference Interactive Computer aided Learning ICL 2005, Villach, Austria, ISBN 3-89958-136-9, Kassel University Press, Editors M. Auer, R. Mittermeir.

5.C. Ravariu, D. Bogdan, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, Simulation Tools for Virtual Lab in Micro and NanoElectronic Area, Proceedings of the Int. Symposium REV2005, Brasov, Romania, 2005, ISBN 3-89958-137-7, European Kassel University Press with Editors M. Auer, D. Ursutiu.

6. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, M. Profirescu, F. Ravariu, A Nano-Transistor with a Cavity, IEEE International Conference Nanotech-MSM, 2005, Anaheim, SUA, vol.1, cap4, ISBN 0-9767985-2-2,pp.111-114, indexare IEEE.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, Alternative methods of parameter extraction based on the pseudo-MOS technique, IEEE, Int. Conf. Proceedings ISBN 0-7803-5235-1, MIEL’2004, Serbia, Nis, pp.249-252, 2004, indexare ISI.

2. C. Baditoiu, C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Udrea, Dynamic behavior optimization of the junctions with SIPOS layer termination, IEEE, Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, CAS'04, p.367-470, 2004, indexare ISI.

3. C. Ravariu, A. Popescu, F. Ravariu, A two-terminals biodevice with a neurotransmitter solution, IEEE, Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, CAS'04, pp.255-258, 2004, indexare ISI.

4. F. Ravariu, C. Podaru, O. Nedelcu, C.Ravariu, E.Manea, A Silicon nanoporous membrane used for drug delivery, IEEE, Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, CAS'04, pp.101-104, 2004, indexare ISI.


1. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, Analysis of the non – linear responses of some biosensors, IEEE, Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, CAS'03, p.193-196, 2003,indexare ISI.


1. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, C. Popa, I. Chiran, A New Job for the Pseudo-MOS Transistor: Working in the Pressure Sensors Field, IEEE 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems ICECS, September, pp. 215-218, Croatia, Dubrovnik, 2002, indexare ISI.

2. L. Dobrescu, D. Dobrescu, A. Rusu, C. Ravariu, Mechanical influences on mobile gate MOS capacitors electrical characteristics, The 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL, Nis, Serbia, pp. 227-230, 2002, indexare ISI.

3. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, I. Chiran, Exacts solutions of the Poisson’s equations in pseudo-MOS/SOI transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania CAS 2002, pp.249-252, indexare ISI.

4. F. Ravariu, C. Ravariu, O. Nedelcu, The modeling of a sensor for the human blood pressure, IEEE Int. Conf. of Semic., CAS 2002, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 67-70, 2002, indexare ISI.


1. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, The modeling of a SOI mechanical sensor, IEEE Int. Conf. SISPAD, Atena, Grecia, 5-7 Sept., Proceedings, pp.328-331, 2001, indexare ISI.

2. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, C. Codreanu, M. Avram, A designing roule for a Pressure sensor with PZT layer, IEEE Int. Conf. CAS’01, Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 379-382, 2001, indexare ISI.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, F. Ravariu, C. Codreanu, M. Avram, A Mathematical Model for Threshold Voltage of a Partially and Fully Depleted MOS/SOI Structure with a Gaussian Distribution in the Film, 3-rd Edition IEEE Int. Conf., Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems MSM’2000, San Diego, USA, Proceedings pp. 404-407, 2000, indexare ISI.

2. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, F. Ravariu, L. Dobrescu, An analytical model for static characteristics of a pseudo-MOS transistor with neutral channel, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2000, Romania, Sinaia, p.307-310, 2000, indexare ISI.

3. L. Dobrescu, M. Petrov, D. Dobrescu, C. Ravariu, Threshold voltage extraction methods for MOS transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2000, Romania, Sinaia, p.371-374, 2000, indexare ISI.

4. C. Codreanu, E. Vasile, E. Iliescu, M. Avram, A. Badoiu, C. Ravariu, Free carrier lifetime reduction in silicon by electron-beam irradiation, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2000, Romania, Sinaia, pp. 255-258, 2000, indexare ISI.

5. M. Avram, C. Codreanu, C. Ravariu, Novel design structure for a double drain MOSFET magnetic sensor integrated in SOI, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2000, Romania, Sinaia, p.491-494, 2000, indexare ISI.

6. M. Avram, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, C. Ravariu, Stabilization of emitter arrays by MOSFET for magnetic sensor applications, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2000, Romania, Sinaia, p.487-490, 2000, indexare ISI.

7. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, The Threshold voltage model of a SOI-MOSFET on films with gaussian profile, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, ICCDCS, Mexic, Cancun, p.454-457, 2000, indexare IEEE.

8. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, A pseudo-MOS/SOI transistor with two inversion channels, IEEE Int. Conf. 9-th EPE-PEMC, Kosice, Slovakia, Proceedings, vol.3-7, p.216-221, 2000, indexare IEEE.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, F. Ravariu, The influence of buried insulator type and film thickness on threshold voltage of a partially and fully depleted SOI-MOSFET, IEEE, Int. Conf. 22-th CAS 1999, 5-9 Oct., Sinaia, Romania, Proceedings, p. 167-171, 1999, indexare ISI.

2. M. Avram, C. Ravariu, A New MOSFET - SOI Magnetic Sensor, IEEE Int. Conf. Conferencia de Dispositivos Electronicos CDE, Madrid, Spain, Proceedings p.488-491, 1999, indexare IEEE.


1. O. Neagoe, M. Avram, C. Ravariu, The Effiency Increase for Integrated Lateral Dual Collector Magnetotransistor, IEEE Int. Conf. 21-th CAS 1998, 6-10 Oct., Sinaia, Romania, Proceedings, p.289-292, 1998, indexare ISI.

Publicatii tip Abstract la Conferinte Nationale si Internationale


1. C. Ravariu, L. Alecu, Diamond on oxide nanotransistor with high performances suitable for giga-hertz operation, 8th Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM 2012, Sibiu - Romania, pp. 34-35, 2012.


1. A. Bondarciuc , C. Ravariu, V. Bondarciuc, The Infrared emission by laser bio-photometry versus the tissue hydration degree, 9th International Fröhlich’s Symposium, ELECTRODYNAMIC ACTIVITY OF LIVING CELLS, Including Microtubule Coherent Modes and Cancer Cell Physics, Praga, Cehia, 2010, Book of Abstract, pp.42-43.

2. C. Ravariu, A. Bondarciuc, The interaction of millimeter waves spectrum with lymphocytes, ESF-EMBO Symposium, B Cells and Protection: Back to Basics, June 2011, Guixols, Spain, pp.3.


1. A. Bondarciuc, C. Ravariu, L. Georgeta Alecu, V. Bondarciuc, S. Carniciu, C. Fulga, M. Petrutescu, S. Simion, Tissues characterization using laser radiation in near-infrared spectrum with applications in diabetology, 7th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM, 2010, Odorheiu-Secuiesc, Romania, Abstract book, pp. 20.

2. C. Ravariu, A. Bondarciuc, V. Bondarciuc, S. Carniciu, M. Petrutescu, S. Simion, Millimeter waves generator and its effect onto the lymphocytes, 7th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM, 2010, Odorheiu-Secuiesc, Romania, Abstract book, pp. 19.

3. C. Ravariu, A. Bondarciuc, C. Podaru, A. Popescu, V. Nahaba, The waste water monitoring using a biosensor based on AChE enzyme, International conference Water – history, resource, perspectives, 2010, Chisinau, Rep. Moldova, pp. 71-73.


1. C. Ravariu, C. Ionescu-Tîrgovişte, F. Babarada, Amplificatoare de semnal în electrofiziologie, Conferinta Nationala Anuala a Asociaţiei Medicale Române, varia abstract book, no. 95, 2009.

2. Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgovişte, Oana Bancescu, Cristian Guja, Cristian Ravariu. Premisele inregistrarii semnalelor electrice pancreatice ce insotesc eliberarea insulinei, Congresul national de diabet, nutritie si boli metabolice editia XXXV Sinaia, 2009.

3. C. Ravariu, C. Podaru, A Glucose Biosensor with Al2O3 Nanostructured Material, Proc. of 21-st International Conference of Society for Medical Innovation and Technology, SMIT, pp. 94, Sinaia, Romania,2009.

4. D. Bogdan, M. Craciun, R-I. Dochia, M.-A. Ionescu, C. Ravariu, Circuit design for noise rejection in electromyography, Conferinţa Naţională de inginerie biomedicală INGIMED 2009, editura ICPE-CA, pp. 76-81.

5. A. Bondarciuc, S. Maslobrod, C. Ravariu, I. I. Daiana, The athermal millimeter waves spectrum - a universal positive impact factor on the living matter, 6th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM 2009, Constanta, Romania.


1. A. Bondarciuc, V. Bondarciuc, C. Ravariu, Particularitatile de ecranare si radioprotectie a irisului uman, Strategii XXI cu tema “Spatiul Sud-Est European in contextul globalizarii”, Universitatea Nationala de Aparare ”Carol I”, Bucuresti, 2008, pp. 37-41, ISSN: 1844-3095.

2. A. Bondarciuc, S. Simion, M. Petrutescu, C. Ravariu, C. Ionescu-Tîrgovişte, Premisele utilizarii laser-biofotometriei in-vivo in identificarea si evaluarea complicatiilor diabetului zaharat insotite de procese inflamatorii, Congresul Anual al Asociatiei Medicale Romane, Academia Romana, Bucuresti, 2008, pp.16.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, L. Dobrescu, F. Babarada, The Back-Gate tunneling breakdown limitation in a NOI nanodevice with cavity, 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology ICN+T 2007, Sweden, Stockholm, under IUVSTA auspices (International Union of Vacuum Science Technique and Applications), NSP2-174, pp.103, 2007.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, F. Babarada, More accurate models of the interfaces oxide charge from the ultra-thin SOI films, 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Abstract Book TuA3f1, pp. 56-57, Viena, Austria, 2006.

2. C.Ravariu, Al. Rusu, F.Ravariu, From Silicon On Insulator to the electrical characterisation of some Bio-solution On Insulator, International Conference of Nanoscience and Technology ICN+T 2006, p.206, Abstract Book, Basel, Swiss, ISBN: 3-905084-71-6.

3. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, Measured Electrical Characteristics of a Pseudo-MOS Transistor Used for the SIMOX Wafers Characterization, Magnetic Nanostructures for MicroElectroMechanical Systems, NATO-Advanced Study Institute book, 2006, Falzea Editore, pp.19-26, ISBN 88-8296-209-1.

4. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Babarada, Experimental studies of a molecular device with Bioliquid On Diamond - BOD, 17th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond- Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides, pp.15.5.2, Portugal, Estoril, 2006.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Udrea, F. Ravariu, Quantum Effects in Miniaturized Diamond On Sapphire Field Effect Transistors , 16th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides, Sept. 2005, Toulouse, France, pp. 5.6.3.

2. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, Piezoelectrics powder ceramics like Lead Titanate Zirconate used in a SOI biosensor, Third Int. Conf. & Exibition on Powder Metallurgy RoPM’2005, Cluj, Romania, p.255-259, 2005.


1. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, Experimental investigations of pseudo-MOS transistor in accumulation regime, Third Int. Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, June 26-28, Targoviste, Romania, Abstracts, pp.96-97, 2002.


1. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, C. Codreanu, F. Ravariu, The flat-band and threshold voltage of a pseudo-MOS transistor made in SIMOX technology, National Conf. FTMCA 6-th, Iasi, Romania, June 8-9, pp. 41-44, 2000.

Contracte Cercetare

Proiecte castigate la care Cristian Ravariu a fost director de proiect

1. Modelarea conductiei prin tranzistoare SOI-MOSFET cu profile uniforme si neuniforme ale concentratiei de impuritati in film, Grant T, A.N.S.T.I, TEMA A.56, Contract nr. 6111/2000, 2 ani, derulare 2000-2001.

2. Dispozitive MOS cu poarta mobila pentru circuite de telecomunicatii, Grant At cu TEMA NR. 21, COD CNCSIS 114, cu 2 faze anuale, 2ani, derulare 2002-2004.

3. Sisteme de caracterizare electrica nedistructiva pentru materiale SOI nanostructurate, Grant A cu TEMA NR. 25, COD CNCSIS 63, cu 2 faze anuale, sursa finantarii CNCSIS, 2 ani, derulare 2006-2007.

4. Tranzistoare BioFET pentru bioanalize personalizate si estimari functionale celulare,Contract nr. 12-095/ 01.10.2008, (BioFET), Proiecte Complexe PNII, Programul PARTENERIATE IN DOMENIILE PRIORITARE, Derulare: 01.10.2008 – 30.09.2011, comisia 1 (Tehnologia informatiei si comunicatii).

5. Tehnologie neinvaziva de caracterizare functionala a masei beta celulare cu biodispozitive electronice neconventionale, Contract nr. 62-063/ 01.10.2008, (ElectroCel), Proiecte Complexe PNII, Programul PARTENERIATE IN DOMENIILE PRIORITARE, Derulare: 01.10.2008 – 30.09.2011 , comisia 6 (Biotehnologii).

Proiecte POSDRU

1. Proiectul POSDRU/89/1.5/S/62557 - Domeniul Major de Interventie 1.5.:"Programe Postdoctorale" - Proiectul Excel - Excelenta in cercetare prin programe postdoctorale in domenii prioritare ale societatii bazate pe cunoastere (EXCEL ID 62557), intre UPB si Autoritatea de Management al Programului Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane AM POSDRU, derulare 15 iun. 2010 - 30 apr. 2013 (33.5 luni), Funcţia Conf. dr. ing. Cristian RAVARIU: PostDoc.

2. Proiectul POSDRU/87/1.3/S/61397 “Reţea Naţională de Formare CONtinuă a CadrelOR Didactice din Învăţământul Preuniversitar Profesional şi Tehnic – CONCORD”, Funcţia Conf. dr. ing. Cristian RAVARIU: Expert pe termen scurt (3 luni) – Expert formare PROELECTRIC I.

Proiecte internationale ca participant

1. Director contract: Adrian Rusu, participant: C. Ravariu, Modele avansate pentru tranzistoare bipolare şi MOS submicronice, Contract C.35 cu Banca Mondială, Bucuresti, Romania, derulare 1999-2002.

2. Director contract: Adrian Rusu, participant: C. Ravariu, Dispozitive, circuite si microsisteme electronice, Contract D107 cu Banca Mondiala, Bucuresti, Romania, derulare 1999-2001.

3. Director contract: A. M. Ionescu (Swiss), participant: C. Ravariu, Low power electrostatic silicon on sapphire RF switches for telecom applications, Contract cod ESSOS, Wildhainweg 20 CH-3001. Proiect international intre Swiss National Science Foundation, Ecole Politehnique Federale de Lausanne si Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Romania, derulare intre 2000-2003.

Proiecte Nationale ca participant

1. Contract nr. 32 – 158 / 01.10.2008, (NANOMATCELL), Programul PARTENERIATE IN DOMENIILE PRIORITARE , Director : Elena Manea, C. Ravariu : participant, Tehnologii cu grad scazut de poluare pentru obtinerea celulelor fotovoltaice utilizand materiale oxidice nanostructurate, UPB – Partener P1, comisia 3 (mediu), derulare 2008-2011.

2. Contract nr. 12128 / 01.10.2008, (ELOTRANSP), Programul PARTENERIATE IN DOMENIILE PRIORITARE , Director : Purica Munizer, C. Ravariu: participant, Procese si dispozitive pe baza de straturi subtiri oxidice si polimerice pentru electronica si optoelectronica transparenta, UPB – Partener P1, comisia 1 (IT), derulare 2008-2011.

3. Contract nr. 717 / Cod CNCSIS 449, din 2009, Programul PN2 Idei, CNCSIS, Director: A. Rusu, O noua categorie de dispozitive electronice si circuitele corespunzatoare, 2009-2011, C. Ravariu = participant.

4. Colaborator in CEEX Project (IMT-coord., UPB-participant): Technology Network for Romania integration in the NANOELectronics european platform (Contract 75, ENIAC RTN-NANOEL), Director Contract: Dan Dascalu, participant: C. Ravariu , between 2006-2009.

5. Colaborator in CEEX Project(IMT-coord., UPB-participant): Microstructuri de senzori si actuatori destinate micropozitionarii si micromanipularii – mecanice si biologice - MEMSAS (Microgripper), Director Contract: Raluca Muller, participant: C. Ravariu , between 2006-2008.

6. Director de contract: Dragos Dobrescu, participant C. Ravariu, Studiul interactiunii electro-mecanice in dispozitive functionale MOS, proiect GAR 128/2003, contract 167/2003, Grant al Academiei Romane, contract cu UPB nr. 15.03. 08, Bucuresti, 2003-2004.

7. Director de contract: Dragos Dobrescu, participanti 5 si C. Ravariu, Caracterizarea electrica avansata a dispozitivelor functionale MOS, Grant CNCSIS, tip A, cod 161, tema 25, contract 40528/5.11.2003, contract cu UPB nr. 15.03. 10, Bucuresti, 2003-2004.

8. Director contract: L. Dobrescu, participant: C. Ravariu, Structuri super-panta pentru tehnologii nanometrice, Contract nr. 154/03.Aug.2005, grant al Academiei Romane cu 1 faza anuala, 2005.

9. Director contract: A. Rusu, participant: C. Ravariu, Dispozitive novatoare in nanoelectronică, Contract tip A CNCSIS, nr. 55, cod1433/2004, cu cate 1 faza anuala, 3 ani, derulare 2004-2006.

10. Director contract: A. Rusu, participant: C. Ravariu, O noua abordare teoretica si experimentala a fenomenelor de conductie electrica in dispozitive semiconductoare, Grant nr. 57 cod CNCSIS 497, cu 1 faza anuala, derulare intre 2002-2004.

11. Director contract: Dragoş Dobrescu, participant: C. Ravariu, Tratarea fenomenologica a proceselor de conductie in electronica, pe baza teoremei de conductie electrica liniara (Rusu), Grant A.N.S.T.I., Tema A.62, Contract nr. 5076/1999, derulare 1999-2000.

12. Director contract: Ovidiu Popa, participant: C. Ravariu, Microtehnologii MOS utilizabile în realizarea structurilor de tranzistoare de putere şi comutaţie de înaltă performanţă, Tema A.12, contract de cercetare IMT – MCT, derulare 1997-1998.

13. Director contract: Ovidiu Popa, participant: C. Ravariu, Caracterizarea dispozitivelor şi proceselor tehnologice în fabricaţia de microsisteme integrate, Tema B.1, contract de cercetare IMT – MCT, participant la cele 5 faze ale temei, derulare 1994-1996.

14. Director contract: Adriana Delibaltov, participant: C. Ravariu, Tehnologii pentru microsisteme, Tema A.1, contract de cercetare IMT - MCT, Contract nr.2220/1994, derulare 1994-1995.

15. Proiect PNII Parteneriate UEFISCDI, Nr. 187/2012, New Innovative System for Radiation Safety of Patients Investigated by Radiological Imaging Methods, based on Smart Cards and PKI Infrastructures, SRSPIRIM, comisia 7, Director: Lidia Dobrescu. Participant: C. Ravariu, derulare 2012-2015, 3 ani.

Specializari, scoli scurte la nivel european

1. The 3rd Summer School on Emerging Technologies in Medicine, organized in Patras, Greece, from the 2nd to 7th July 2006, with subtopics about: molecular imaging, NEMS in robotics for minimum surgery invasion, genomics and proteomics, organiser Prof. A. Bezerianos, Dept. of Medical Physics, School of Medicine, University of Patras, GR 26500 Patras, Greece, . Cu certificat.

2.NATO Advanced Study Institute, Magnetic Nanostructures for Micro-Electromechanical Systems and Spintronic Applications Magnetism Research Group – University of Messina Italy, Prof. Bruno Azzerboni, Department Fisica della Materia e Tecnologie Fisiche Avanzate, Faculty of Engineering, Catona, 2-15 July 2006, Cu certificat.

3. SINANO curs intensiv de nanodispozitive, Bertinoro, 2nd Summer School, Simulation in NANOdevices, 20-25 Aug. 2006,, lessons are available on soft and hard support, Prof. Enrico Sangiorgi, University of Bologna – Arces, Via Venezia, 52, 47023 Cesena (FC) Italy. Cu certificat.

4. Computer Science Department, Old Dominion University, USA. A prototype of the humanvirus interactome resource, Bucureşti 2007, Conferinţa susţinuta de prof. dr. Kurt Maly.

Afilieri la Societati Internationale, Colaborari

1. Membru IEEE no. 90382147, din 2007 – prezent.

2. Membru IEEE pe Soc.: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Organization (2008); Electron Devices Soc. (2009-2013); Solid State Circ. (2012).

3. Membru ESF - European Science Fondation – prin CNCSIS, din 2006 - prezent.

4. Romanian Chairman of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Chapters, SSC237, Nov. 2011 - prezent.

5. Membru in colectivul de redactie al unor Jurnale Internationale, ISI: Journal of Applied Physics, under the American Institute of Physics, on line ISSN 1551-7616 (2008-2012); IEEE’s Transactions on Learning Technologies (2008); Medical & biological engineering & computing Springer ISI Journal (2012).

6. Colaborari Romania-Franta, prin depunerea unui pre-Proposal in Nov. 2012, la M-ERA.NET PROJECT TRANSNATIONAL CALL, Title: Integrated Bio-Materials On Silicon Dedicated to Wireless Biosensors. Coordinator: Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania. Project Director: Cristian RAVARIU. Partners: LAAS (France), IMT (Bucharest).

Premii, Distinctii

1. Premiul Academiei Romane: 15 Dec 2011, Aula Academiei Române. Ceremonia de decernare a premiilor Academiei Române pentru rezultate din anul 2009: XIV. ÎN DOMENIUL ŞTIINŢEI SI TEHNOLOGIEI INFORMAŢIEI - Premiul TUDOR TANASESCU pentru Lucrarea : Biodispozitive electronice: de la nanostructuri la aplicaţii medicale - autor : Cristian Ravariu.

2. Best Paper Award pentru: A. L. Dobrescu, M. Petrov, D. Dobrescu, C. Ravariu, Threshold voltage extraction methods for MOS transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2000, Romania, Sinaia, p.371-374; B. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, I. Chiran, Exacts solutions of the Poisson’s equations in pseudo-MOS/SOI transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, CAS, p.249-252, 2002. C. Cristian Ravariu, A NOI – nanotransistor, IEEE, Int. Conf. Proceedings, CAS’2005, Romania, Sinaia, pp.65-68; D. Alexandru Rusu, Nicolae Golescu, Cristian Ravariu, Manufacturing and tests of a mobile ECG platform, IEEE International Conference of Semiconductors CAS 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 433-436. E. Cristian Ravariu, Ala Bondarciuc, Vlad Bondarciuc, Simona Carniciu, Marius Petrutescu, Sorin Simion. Millimeter waves generator and its effect onto the lymphocytes. 7th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM, organized by the INCDIE ICPE-CA, 2-4 Sept., 2010, Odorheiu-Secuiesc, Romania, p. 19-20. Premiat BEST POSTER PRESENTATION CEM2010.

3. Premierea Rezultatelor Cercetarii de catre UEFISCDI: A. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A test two-terminals biodevice with lipophylic and hidrophylic hormone solutions, ISI Journal of Optoelectroncs and Advanced Materials JOAM, vol.9, nr. 8, 2007, pp. 2589-2592 cod premiere PN-II-RU-PRECISI – 2007-1. B. C. Ravariu and F. Babarada, Modeling and simulation of special shaped SOI materials for the nanodevices implementation, Journal of Nanomaterials - Hindawi, vol. 2011, Article ID 792759, 11 pages, July 2011 cu cod premiere PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2012-6-1177.

Anunturi Studenti

1. Obs. din 27.05.2013: Notele la Spice au fost trecute in catalog, cu exceptia: Motoc Andreea (gr. 421D, nota era 10), intrucat nu are numele trecut in catalogul electronic. (Pt d-ra Motoc, rog, pe 28-29 Mai ora 10, sala B110b sau B108, aduceti contractul de studii ca sa se vada daca ati optat pt Spice)