DSA - Interview Schedule

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The interviews will take place on the 1st of June in room A420 according to the schedule below.

If you are late, you will need to wait for a free time slot.

Name Time
Auriței Doru Andrei 10:00
Cârstea Vlad 10:15
David Simona Elena 10:30
Drăghici Alexandra 10:45
Gheboianu Mădălina-Petruța 11:00
Holca Anamaria 11:15
Manolache Cristian 11:30
Neacșu Ana Antonia 11:45
Pelin Bogdan 12:00
Popescu Vlad 12:15
Sava Vlad-Mihai 12:30
Seceleanu Alexandru 12:45
Virdol Costin 13:00