OOP Lab Task 6

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Required Tutorials


  • Modify class ClientPeer written for the previous assignment, making it into a thread which, in parallel with the main execution thread, has to read objects of type Message from the server and write them on the screen.
  • Modify class ServerPeer written for the previous assignment, making it into a thread. This new thread must read objects of type Message and PrivateMessage from the associated client and correctly distribute them to the other clients.
  • Modify class Server written for the previous assignment, such that when a new client connects, the Server main thread should create a new ServerPeer and start it as a Thread, and then return to blocking in method ServerSocket.accept(), waiting for a new incoming connection.
  • The server should not accept a new connection if the current number of connected clients is already equal to property MAX_CLIENTS read from the server.conf configuration file by the class ServerConfig.


  • Class Server should keep a list of all the connected clients (objects of type ServerPeer). For this, you can use class java.util.ArrayList.
  • This list should be kept consistent, meaning new clients should be added, and disconnected clients should be removed.
  • This list should be available to the ServerPeer execution threads through synchronized methods.
  • To check if an object is instance of a specific class, you can use operator instanceof:
Object o = ois.readOject();
if(o instanceof String){
    String s = (String)o;
    System.out.print("The object is not a String!");


  • The assignment will be evaluated automatically by the Web-CAT platform.
  • You could access the Web-CAT platform using the username and the password with which you acces the electronica.curs.pub.ro intranet.
  • Select the OOP Lab Task 6 assignment.
  • Submit your work as a single .zip archive (give it whatever name you choose) containing only the Java source code files.
  • Attention Any deviation from these instructions may lead to the loss of the entire amount of points.