Digital Integrated Circuits (seminar)

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Starting from the notions presented in the course, the Integrated Digital Circuit introduces the notion of hardware description language (HDL) and aims to familiarize the student with Verilog language, as well as digital circuits synthesis and simulation (QuartusII or ModelSim) .

  • CID Seminar 1 - Introduction to Verilog (variables, blocks, test modules, functional modules and instantiation)
  • CID Seminar 2 - Conditioned instructions, using the 'always' instruction to define combinational circuits
  • DIC Seminar 3 - Sequential circuits (clock signal, always and initial vs. assign
  • CID Seminar 4 - Numerals and counting circuits
  • CID Seminar 5 - Description of memories in Verilog
  • CID Seminar 6 - Finite automata

You can dowload the programs used on the Altera website: